• Polski
  • English

On February 22, 2024, we invite you to a seminar from the series “Intellectual Thursdays”

We invite you to participate in a scientific seminar organized by the Center for Risk Management and Finance, from the series: “Intellectual Thursdays”, under the patronage of Prof. Andrzej Sopoćko, PhD, DSc. A lecture on “Non-military Factors of Security” will be given by Prof. Paweł Kozłowski, PhD, DSc (European Center of the University of Warsaw). The seminar will take place on February 22, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the Hall of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw.


We play with the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity

We would like to remind you that the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw plays for the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, as every year. We encourage you to bid on our collections. The auctions are organized by Students of the WZ UW Student Government (WZ UW Student Government) as part of the 32nd final of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity under the slogan “Lungs after the pandemic. We play for children and adults.” Together with the entire WZ UW Local Government, we encourage you to support the collection on the Allegro platform. From 1️⃣8️⃣.0️⃣1️⃣ to 0️⃣9️⃣.0️⃣2️⃣ you will have the opportunity to bid on inspiring meetings and great things. Link to the auction 💙https://allegro.pl/uzytkownik/ss_wzuw Link to the virtual piggy bank 💙 https://eskarbonka.wosp.org.pl/korazekeso Link to the event on Facebook 💙https://fb.me/e/1JEePcr2S Let’s bid and be wholeheartedly with WOŚP!


Invitation to interdisciplinary seminars

We would like to invite you to three events in January 2024, which are carried out by the Interdisciplinary Seminar in Empirical Social Science and Center for Research on Prejudice.  Seminar hosted by prof. Robert Klemmensen from the Lund University (24.01.2024) The Interdisciplinary Seminar in Empirical Social Science will take place on January 24 from 13.15 to 14.15 at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies / Collegium Politicum / Room 303 (Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28). The title of Prof.’s Robert Klemmensen’s presentation is “Genetic and Environmental Influences on the Stability of Political Attitudes”. The abstract of the talk can be found on the ISESS website: https://cess.idub.uw.edu.pl/en/seminars/isess/   Detailed information about the event can be found at the link: https://cess.idub.uw.edu.pl/en/2024/01/seminar-hosted-by-prof-robert-klemmensen-from-the-lund-university/ Workshops hosted by prof. Robert Klemmensen from the Lund University (25.01.2024) The workshop entitled “Introduction to Difference-in-Differences (DiD) and Regression Discontinuity Designs (RDD)” will be held on 25 January from 10:00 to 16:00 at the Centre of Excellence in Social Sciences, BUW Building, Warsaw, Dobra 56/66 (2nd floor, room 2.90). Description of the workshop can be found on the ISESS website: https://cess.idub.uw.edu.pl/en/workshops/ Detailed information about the event can be found at the link: https://cess.idub.uw.edu.pl/en/2024/01/seminar-hosted-by-prof-robert-klemmensen-from-the-lund-university/ Please note that registering for the workshop is required. Registration is open until 22 January. Please note that places are limited. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. The registration form is available here: https://forms.gle/BehLw7NUhEQhu9YP8 Seminar hosted by prof. Daniel Bar-Tal from the Tel Aviv University (31.01.2024) The Interdisciplinary Seminar in Empirical Social Science will take place on January 31 from 13.00 to 14.00. The title of Prof.’s Daniel Bar-Tal’s presentation is “The causes, processes and consequences of the present phase of the war between Israel and Hamas.” The abstract of the talk can be found on the ISESS website: https://cess.idub.uw.edu.pl/en/isess/seminar/ Detailed information about the event can be found at the link: https://cess.idub.uw.edu.pl/en/2024/01/seminar-hosted-by-prof-daniel-bar-tal-from-the-tel-aviv-university/Please come in person to the Tyszkiewicz-Potocki Palace (Krakowskie Przedmieście 32) in the Ballroom (sala Balowa). Please note that this seminar is being held in a different location than usual.“


“From fundamental discoveries to a safe and sustainable future” – we invite you to the symposium organized by the Center for New Technologies of the University of Warsaw

The conference will be held on January 30, 2024, at 14.00-17.00 in the hall of the Old Library of the University of Warsaw. The lecture program includes: “Does mRNA technology have a chance to change the face of modern medicine?” – prof. Ph.D. Jacek Jemielity“Optical quantum technologies: from foundations to applications” – Ph.D. Michał Parniak-Niedojadło“Beauty and the Beast – new materials and technologies in times of energy transformation” – prof. Ph.D. Wojciech Grochala.Free entrance! We cordially invite you on behalf of the organizers.


We would like to thank KPMG for their trust and commitment, we look forward to future joint projects!

Learning through current and real challenges is one of the main goals of the course implemented by the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw and the University of Warsaw Incubator as part of the 4EU+ Alliance+ coordinated by Sorbonne Université in cooperation with Universität Heidelberg and Università degli Studi di Milano. Today we had the pleasure of officially formalizing our cooperation with KPMG, which is this year’s partner of the 4EU+ course. Establishing a relationship with a top-class business partner who is ready to cooperate with PhD students and students in interdisciplinary and international project teams is very important in such initiatives!


Free debating workshops

We invite you to participate in special, free debating workshops. During the online session conducted by trainers from the Polska Debatuje Foundation, you will improve your argumentation and public speaking skills through practical exercises. This will help you in speaking during your studies, but also in job interviews and participation in discussions. For participating in the workshops and completing the survey, you will also receive an Allegro voucher of PLN 50. Registration link:https://forms.gle/CUCHjnRr7onV9Gpy7


Online information meeting for people interested in participating in the Erasmus+ program

Ladies and Gentlemen, On January 16 (Tuesday) 2024, at 16:00-18:00 there will be an online information meeting for people interested in participating in the Erasmus+ program – both studies and internships. The meeting will be led by Dr. Hab. Katarzyna Dziewanowska, WZ exchange coordinator, and Mrs. Dorota Wiącek from the International Relations Office of the University of Warsaw. We will tell you about: rules, financing and formalities. The meeting will be recorded and the link will be posted on the WZ UW website, but you can only ask questions live 🙂 Link to the meeting: https://uw-edu-pl.zoom.us/j/94821102579?pwd=WW5zSXN6Z1I0TGtPKzdIZnkxU21Wdz09 Meeting ID: 948 2110 2579 Password: 618170 See you! Katarzyna Dziewanowska outgoing@wz.uw.edu.pl


Christmas wishes

Merry Christmas🌲 and Happy New Year! Holidays filled with joy and love, bringing peace and rest. A New Year that fulfills all your dreams, full of optimism, faith, happiness and success wishes prof. Ph.D. Grzegorz Karasiewicz, Dean of the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw, together with the entire dean’s college, and the entire academic community of the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw We invite you to watch the wishes from the Dean and the entire Dean’s College in the form of a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juDzkCj7fIg


Work of the dean’s office of postgraduate studies

Due to the upcoming Christmas and New Year period, we would like to inform you that the dean’s office will be on duty on the following days: December 27-28 at 10.00-14.00(December 29 – e-mail contact: PSM@wz.uw.edu.pl)January 3-4 at 10.00-14.00(January 5 – e-mail contact: PSM@wz.uw.edu.pl)We wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Working dates of Student offices during the Christmas and New Year period

Dear Sir/Madam, We kindly inform you that the student deans’ offices will be open during the holiday break as follows: DEAN’S OFFICE FOR FULL-TIME STUDIES (BACHELOR’S AND MASTER’S): DEAN’S OFFICE FOR PART-TIME BACHELOR’S STUDIES (EVENING AND WEEKEND): DEAN’S OFFICE FOR PART-TIME MASTER’S STUDIES: For urgent matters, please contact us via email at: Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a successful New Year!

