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WZ-ka z biznesem – podcast of the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw – episode 4

Should metro systems be built in cities other than Warsaw? What do the Olympic Games have to do with the gas station near the Faculty of Management? Is hydrogen the fuel of the future? Sebastian Radzimiński seeks answers to these and other questions in the fourth episode of the podcast 🎤 “WZ-ka z biznesem”. His guest is Dr. Hab. Grzegorz Tchorek, lecturer at the Faculty of Management, energy transformation researcher. TAKE A LOOK 👉 https://wz.uw.edu.pl/WATCH ON YOUTUBE 👉 https://youtu.be/F3SvU_LQ2EsLISTEN ON SPOTIFY 👉 https://open.spotify.com/episode/3JKKpjyYrOan0W98KJCRNB?si=qhNWsot5Q0OCpIyHIJD8Tg


Organizational culture – The secret of the success of Toyota Motor Corporation

We invite you to the lecture entitled: “Organizational culture – The secret of the success of Toyota Motor Corporation”, which will be delivered by Dr. Jacek Pawlak, President of Toyota Central Europe. When? May 7 – Tuesday – 3 p.m Where? Aula A at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw, ul. Szturmowa 1/3 You’re welcome! Dr. JACEK PAWLAK President of Toyota Central Europe Jacek Pawlak (born 1963) is the president of Toyota Central Europe (TCE, until March 2022 Toyota Motor Poland) and is responsible for the operations and development of the Toyota and Lexus brands in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. In 2012, he became the first Pole in history to manage the Polish branch of Toyota and is responsible for the brand’s success on the Polish market.


Webinar “Emotional intelligence – a competence of the future”

We invite you to the webinar “Emotional intelligence – a competence of the future” led by Marta Prokopek-Pyśk, career advisor at the Career and Alumni Office of the WZ UW. Where and when? 📍 Online 🕑 May 8, 2024, at 16.45 – 18.00 Better social relationships, fewer behavioral problems, greater satisfaction with life, better self-understanding – these are the benefits of emotional intelligence. 📈 During the webinar you will learn: 👉 You can understand your emotions a little better and be able to manage them 👉 Different types of intelligence 👉 Emotion functions 👉 Map of emotions 👉 What is emotional intelligence and how to develop it Link to the online meeting: https://wzuw.zoom.us/j/97212345242… Meeting ID: 972 1234 5242 Access code: 952674 The webinar will be led by Marta Prokopek-Pyśk, career advisor of the WZ UW Career and Alumni Office. Psychologist, business trainer, HR practitioner with extensive experience in the field of Human Resources Management (recruitment, training, employee development). 👩‍💻



Apply to the EIT Food Consumer Engagement Labs project and take part in the creative process of creating a food product

Perhaps your idea will be developed, put into production and soon available for sale. Complete the survey ➡https://bit.ly/Ankieta-CEL 🔥 We are waiting for your applications until May 10 🔥 What will you gain by participating in the project? ▪️creative time under the supervision of scientists and entrepreneurs, ▪️sense of agency and real influence on the offer of products available for sale, ▪️a chance to broaden your horizons in the area of ​​food and healthier eating, ▪️experience in the process of developing a new food product, ▪️a set of products and gifts from SM Mlekpol. Who are we looking for? ▪️born between 1982 and 1994, ▪️living in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, ▪️feeling the effects of exposure to stress, ▪️struggling with extra kilos (overweight), ▪️not suffering from food allergies related to milk and dairy products, ▪️not professionally related to the agri-food industry and consumer research, ▪️open to new, creative experiences! ⭐️More information can be found on our website: https://bit.ly/3U8CdPz The “RIS Consumer Engagement Labs” project is implemented by the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn in partnership with one of the largest Polish dairy cooperatives Mlekpol as part of the European Knowledge and Innovation Community in the field of food (EIT Food) and based on an innovative methodology developed by University of Warsaw.


Recruitment for summer school at Universidade da Coruña!

Dear Students,Until 12:00 on April 30, recruitment for the summer school at Universidade da Coruña continues!The principle of admission by the partner university applies on a first-come, first-served basis.Duration of summer school: July 15 – 26, 2024Bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral students can take part in the summer school. Applications: jwachowska@wz.uw.edu.pl Please read the attached brochures and information available on the website https://www.udc.es/iss. We are waiting for your applications!


Recruitment for studies 2024/2025

Registration for first-cycle and long-cycle master’s studies, as well as part of second-cycle studies, will begin on June 6 at the University of Warsaw. The university offers over 300 study programs. Details: https://www.uw.edu.pl/rekrutacja-na-studia-2024-2025/ Offer of our bachelor’s studies: https://wz.uw.edu.pl/kandydat/studia-licencjackie/ Offer of our master’s studies: https://wz.uw.edu.pl/kandydat/studia-magisterskie/ Our postgraduate studies offer: https://wz.uw.edu.pl/kandydat/studia-podyplomowe/ Recruitment schedule: June 6: start of registration in the Internet Recruitment of Candidates (IRK) system; July 10: last day of registration in IRK; July 22: announcement of recruitment results; July 23–25: accepting documents from people qualified for studies


Conference “Finance of tomorrow: from startups to funds”

Koło Naukowe Psychologii w Biznesie zaprasza na konferencję: „Finanse Jutra: Od startupów do funduszy”! Już 25 kwietnia o godzinie 18 w Auli C Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego czekają na Państwa niezwykłe dyskusje. Tematyka konferencji jest związana z rozwojem sektora Fintech w Polsce oraz inwestowaniem instytucjonalnym. Nie przegap tej szansy na zgłębienie najnowszych trendów i technologii w branży finansowej. Paneliści: Pani Aneta Hryckiewicz: Profesor na Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego oraz Said Business School (University of Oxford). Pan Piotr Brewiński: Wiceprezes Fintech Poland. Pan Mariusz Adamski: Współzałożyciel i partner zarządzający ff Venture, Inwestor. Pani Aleksandra Ossowska: Wspólniczka Zarządzająca FinLegalTech Pan Marek Garniewski – CEO Orlen VC Pan Piotr Kędra – PFR Ventures Pan Leszek Skiba – Bank Pekao Pan Bartosz Pawłowski – CIO mTFI Przypominamy, że liczba miejsc jest ograniczona, dlatego prosimy o rejestrację do 23 kwietnia do godziny 23:55. Link do formularza zapisowego: https://tiny.pl/drl1g


Welcome to “Intellectual Thursdays”

On behalf of prof. Dr. hab. Andrzej Sopoćko, I invite you to participate in a scientific seminar organized by the Center for Risk and Financial Management from the series: “Intellectual Thursdays” under the patronage of prof. Dr. hab. Andrzej Sopoćko. During the seminar there will be a lecture by prof. Ph.D. Marta Postuła on “Budget traps”. The seminar will be held on May 9, 2024, at 18:00-20:00 in the hall of the Faculty Council of the WZ UW.


PhD Barbara Godlewska-Bujok is a member of the Labor Protection Council

Today, April 23, the first ceremonial meeting of the Labor Protection Council will be held. Meeting on the occasion of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, the International Day of Remembrance for Victims of Accidents at Work and Occupational Diseases. Among the participants is our doctor Barbara Godlewska-Bujok, whom we congratulate on being a member of the Labor Protection Council. We are proud and wish you good luck in your new role!


Conference “Innovative and multimedia teaching package for the Youth Mini-Enterprise program”

There are still a few places available for people willing to participate in the dissemination conference as part of the project “Innovative and multimedia teaching package for the Youth Mini-Enterprise program”, which uses funding received from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Funds. The aim of the project is to improve the quality of entrepreneurship education and increase the accessibility of the “Youth Mini-Enterprise” program for people with disabilities. The conference is intended for representatives of pedagogical councils interested in implementing the new version of the “Youth Mini-Enterprise” program. It will take place on April 2️⃣ 4️⃣ April 2024 at 12-14 to the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw at ul. Szturmowa 1/3 (Aula C) in Warsaw. After the conference, we invite participants for lunch. Please register your participation at: barbara.zymczyk@junior.org.pl
