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Notice of public defense of doctoral dissertation

On April 9, 2024 at The public defense will take place at 2:45 p.mdoctoral dissertation in hybrid modeat the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsawat ul. Szturmowa 1/3 in room B 205 Wojciech Witkowski, MA title of the dissertation: Factors determining the profession of a music manager in the USA, England and Poland Promoter: prof. Ph.D. Beata GlinkaCo-supervisor: dr hab. Agnieszka Kacprzak, prof. student Reviewers:Ph.D. Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska, prof. student – Jagiellonian University in CracowPh.D. Joanna Radomska, prof. student – University of Economics in Wrocław Scientific discipline: management and quality sciencesDefense language: Polish The dissertation, summary and reviews will be available at https://depotuw.ceon.pl/handle/item/38.The link to participate in the public defense of the doctoral dissertation will be made available after prior registration. The application should be sent to: sd@wz.uw.edu.pl. Registration of participants will be open from 9:00 on March 26, 2024 until 15:00 on April 8, 2024 Ph.D. abstract – W Witkowski W. Witkowski-review-prof. E. Bogacz-Wojtanowska W. Witkowski-review-prof.J. Radomska On April 11, 2024 at There will be a public defense at 9:30doctoral dissertation in hybrid modeat the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsawat ul. Szturmowa 1/3 in room B 205 Dorota Zimnoch, M.A title of the dissertation: Determinants of the use of blockchain technology in financial institutions. A study on the example of applications in life insurance Promoter: prof. Ph.D. Jerzy Kisielnicki Reviewers:Prof. Ph.D. Dorota Jelonek (Częstochowa University of Technology)Prof. Ph.D. Wiktor Abramowicz (Poznań University of Economics) Scientific discipline: management and quality sciencesDefense language: Polish The dissertation, summary and reviews will be available at https://depotuw.ceon.pl/handle/item/38.The link to participate in the public defense of the doctoral dissertation will be made available after prior registration. The application should be sent to: sd@wz.uw.edu.pl. Registration of participants will be open from 9:00 on March 18, 2024 until 15:00 on April 10, 2024 Summary of Dorota Zimnoch’s doctoral thesis D. Zimnoch-review-prof. Dorota Jelonek Dorota Zimnoch-review-prof. Witold Abramowicz On April 11, 2024 at The public defense will take place on 13doctoral dissertation in hybrid modeat the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsawat ul. Szturmowa 1/3 in room B 205 M.A. Jan Zadrożny title of the dissertation: Blockchain as a breakthrough technology in public administration. Case study of notary offices Promoter: prof. Ph.D. Jerzy Kisielnicki Reviewers:Prof. Ph.D. Ewa Ziemba (University of Economics in Katowice)Ph.D. Helena Dudycz, prof. student (Wrocław University of Economics) Scientific discipline: management and quality sciencesDefense language: Polish The dissertation, summary and reviews will be available at https://depotuw.ceon.pl/handle/item/38.The link to participate in the public defense of the doctoral dissertation will be made available after prior registration. The application should be sent to: sd@wz.uw.edu.pl. Registration of participants will be open from 9:00 on March 18, 2024 until 15:00 on April 10, 2024 Summary of doctoral thesis – Zadrożny Jan Zadrożny-review-prof. Helena Dudycz Jan Zadrożny-review-prof. Ewa Ziemba


Recruitment for the European Investment Bank summer school in Luxembourg

Recruitment for the European Investment Bank summer school in Luxembourg continues until April 8, 2024. The cost of participation in the summer school, as well as meals and hotel accommodation, is covered by the organizer. The University of Warsaw covers the cost of travel from Warsaw to Luxembourg both ways. We invite all second-cycle students and students of the 4th and 5th year of uniform master’s studies to submit applications:  Recruitment details can be found in the announcements below:


Bank Millennium is a new partner of the WZ UW

On Tuesday, we hosted Ms. Agnieszka Zych (Head of the Recruitment and Onboarding Team), Mr. Jacek Chmielewski (Director of the Human Resources Department) and Ms. Monika Jędrysek (Recruitment and Onboarding Team) from Bank Millennium at our Faculty and we talked about our cooperation and joint projects! Soon more information about events organized together with Bank Millennium, addressed to students and graduates of our Faculty. Check now what career opportunities await you at Bank Millennium – https://www.bankmillennium.pl/…/studenci-i-absolwenci


Happy Easter!

Warmest wishes for a healthy, joyful, and peaceful Easter, delicious eggs, wet Dyngus and relaxation with family. May each of us make the most of this holiday time.PhD Grzegorz Karasiewicz,Dean of the Faculty of ManagementUniversity of Warsaw



1st birthday of Alior University

We were invited to the 1st birthday of Alior University. Dean of the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw prof. Dr. Grzegorz Karasiewicz received thanks during the ceremony and delivered a speech. Congratulations to Alior University and we wish you many interesting projects in the future! Alior University was established a year ago and its goal is to bring the university and business communities closer together in practice. The event’s partners are the following universities: the State Academy of Applied Sciences in Przemyśl, the University of Economics in Krakow, and the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw.


The spring edition of the WZ UW Career Day is already behind us!

We would like to thank all students for such a large attendance! We hope that you managed to find your dream jobs and discover new career paths! March 19 and 20 this year. The spring edition of the WZ UW Career Day took place, which was held for the FIFTH time at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw as part of the cooperation of the WZ UW Student Government and the WZ UW Career and Alumni Office 🤝 Once again, the job fair was a two-day event. On the first day (March 19 this year), the exhibitors were partner companies of WZ UW. On the second day (March 20 this year) – companies cooperating with the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw. The Career Advisor Zone was waiting for students. During the WZ UW Career Day there was an opportunity to:📌 talk to recruiters from companies who will tell you about development prospects, the recruitment process and provide valuable tips on the beginning of your career in a given industry📌 consult your CV and/or cover letter and talk about career-related topics in the Career Advisor Zone (room A207 from 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.). The substantive partner of the event was the Career Office of the University of Warsaw.The media patronage over the event was taken by Puls Biznesu. We would like to thank our partners and exhibitors for their participation and professionally prepared stands. It was a unique opportunity to meet you and learn about the professional opportunities you offer! We would like to thank everyone involved in organizing the event for their work and time. And now we invite you to the autumn edition of the WZ UW Career Day! 🍂


You can create a snack that will hit the Polish market!

We invite you to design a plant product 🌿 that will be available on store shelves as part of the Consumer Engagement Labs project. What will you gain🏆? 👉the possibility of creating a product whose taste will be known to consumers😋 👉greater awareness of health and nutrition 👉opportunity to work creatively with interesting people 👉shopping voucher worth PLN 300💰 + gifts🎁 We are looking for people 🗣️ 🍏aged 20-40 🍎 limiting eggs 🍳 and/or dairy products 🥛 in your diet 🍐 not related to the food and marketing industry 🍊 willing to participate in 5 online meetings (total 10 hours) April – May 2024 (May Day off) Register now https://forms.office.com/e/HM6Sy4dm6G We are waiting for applications until March 2️⃣7️⃣March 2024 Don’t hesitate, get in touch and share the post with your friends. Welcome🤗



ABOUT THE MEETING OF PROFESSORS AND UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS ON THE ELECTION OF A MEMBER OF THE SENATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW. The Faculty Electoral Commission of the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw convenes an electoral meeting on March 27, 2024 (Wednesday), at 11.00 in the Faculty Council room to elect a member of the Senate of the University of Warsaw. Faculty Electoral Commission: doc. Dr. Robert Pietrusiński


Global MBA information session

We were very pleased to host all students interested in our international double diploma program “Global MBA” at an information session that we organized via Zoom last Thursday, March 7. Together with our partners from TH Koeln and UNF, we hope that the information obtained there was helpful and encouraged the meeting participants to apply for our unique studies! For those of you who were unable to join the session, here is a link to the recording of this meeting: Global MBA information session, March 7, 2024 If you have any questions, please contact the program coordinator on behalf of the University of Warsaw, Ms. Agata Król: e-mail: akrol@wz.uw.edu.pl, tel. 22 55 34 183.
