• Polski
  • English

NEW IMMIGRATION POLICY 2025 conference – join the event today!

We invite you to participate in the national conference organized on April 17, 2024 by C&C Chakowski & Ciszek together with the Process Outsourcing Center and the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw:🔥”NEW IMMIGRATION POLICY 2025” ON-SITE (Warsaw) and ON-LINE The lecturers will include:💎 PhD Ewa Flaszyńska – Director of the Labor Market Department, Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy💎 Dariusz Górski – Director of the Legality of Employment Department at the Chief Labor Inspectorate💎 PhD Maciej Stanecki – director of the Department of Labor Law, Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy💎 PhD Adam Jelonek – former ambassador to the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei💎 PhD Andrzej Dobry – Director of the Department of International Benefits and Family Support at ZUS💎 Monika Fedorczuk – Director of the Labor Office of the Capital City of Warsaw Warsaw💎 Maciej Kopaczyński – President of the Association of Employment Agencies SAZ💎 PhD Krzysztof Walczak, Associate Proffesor – Process Outsourcing Center WZ UW, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw💎 PhD Maciej Chakowski – Process Outsourcing Center WZ UW, Managing Partner of C&C Chakowski & Ciszek💎 Nadia Kurtieva – expert of the Lewiatan Confederation💎 r.pr. Przemysław Ciszek – managing partner of C&C Chakowski & Ciszek💎 Monika Smulewicz – President of the Management Board of HR na Szpilkach® na Szpilkach, CEO of Eduwersum® Collegium Rozwoju HR💎 Michał Nocuń – Head of the Employment Immigration Department of C&C Chakowski & Ciszek💎 Marta Zięba Szklarska – Member of the Management Board of the European Labor Mobility Institute (ELMI)💎 r.pr. Katarzyna Ziółkowska – head of the International & Outsourcing Department of C&C Chakowski & Ciszek💎 dp Grzegorz Ziomkowski – Of Counsel at C&C Chakowski & Ciszek💎 dp Wojciech Garczyński – head of the Taxes and Social Insurance Institution department at C&C Chakowski & Ciszek We will discuss, among others: topics such as:🔥 New Immigration Policy – ​​an opportunity for the Polish economy?🔥 Changes in the employment of foreigners – ALL IN ONE🔥 National Anti-outsourcing Campaign – outsourcing cannot legalize the work of foreigners?🔥 Optimal directions for recruiting foreigners – a new route from South America🔥 Delegating foreigners from Poland to EU and UK countries – the common market is not so common🔥 Employment contract or mandate contract? – forms of employing foreigners in Poland🔥 Foreign Companies – what is it and is it safe?🔥 Practical problems of employing foreigners from the perspective of diplomatic missions🔥 Short-term accommodation with 23% VAT – is the buyer entitled to deduct VAT? Additionally, we offer a meeting with experts at a SPEED CONSULTING session👉 LINK to the conference program and registration:https://lnkd.in/dbecrCWS ❗NOTE: until March 17. DISCOUNT PRICES apply to the purchase of ticketshttps://lnkd.in/eNFkh3Ta


Electromobility and alternative fuels in Poland until 2030 from a market and regulatory perspective

Together with the Energy Institute – National Research Institute, we invite you to the conference and presentation of the report “Electromobility and alternative fuels in Poland by 2030 from a market and regulatory perspective”, which will take place on April 12 from 8:30 will take place at the Faculty of Management in auditorium C💥 Details: https://www.emobilityconference.pl/ Registration link: https://online.ikongres.pl/…/elektromobilnosc_i_paliwa… Honorary patrons: Minister of Infrastructure Ministry of State Assets National Centre for Research and Development Polish Automotive Industry Association PIM – Polish Chamber of Automotive Industry Chamber of Commerce for Energy and Environmental Protection Chamber of Commerce for the Gas Industry Media Partners: Now Środowisko.pl New Energy Electrotechnical News Devices for the Energy Industry


Competition for the employment of an assistant at the Department of Entrepreneurship and Management Systems at the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw (WZ/SD-23/2024)

The Dean of the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw announces a competition for the employment of an assistant at the Department of Entrepreneurship and Management Systems at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw (WZ/SD-23/2024) Recruitment details. Applications containing a complete set of documents should be sent to the following address: Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, ul. Szturmowa 1/3, 02-678 Warszawa (Room 207B) or send in electronic version to the following address: wz@wz.uw.edu.pl by May 20, 2024. The competition will be resolved no later than July 3, 2024 .


We encourage you to check out our free Santander Trainings

Financial rewards· Santander Scholarship for our Erasmus studentsGet PLN 2,500 which will certainly come in handy during your trip.Apply by April 19:https://app.santanderopenacademy.com/pl/program/stypendium-santander-dla-erasmusa-2024 Santander training – free and online for everyoneWho can apply:· anyone over 18 years of age,· participants do not have to be clients of the Santander Group. Santander Less Foreign Languages Do you want to improve your English and get an IELTS certificate? Or maybe Spanish, German, French or Italian? Choose one of the languages, learn whenever and wherever you want. You will get online access for a period of 3 to 6 months.Apply for 1 of 25,000 places by May 13, 2024: https://www.santanderopenacademy.com/pl/sites/SantanderJezykiMniejObce.html Cybersecurity for everyone with Poznań University of Technology 2024Learn to defend yourself against cybercriminals! Find out from Piotr Konieczny from Niebezpiecznik.pl why a smartphone is a devil. You will receive three months of access to live recordings and a channel for participants on Discord.Apply for 1 of 2,500 places by May 6, 2024.https://app.santanderopenacademy.com/pl/program/cyberbezpieczenstwo-dla-kazdego-2024 GPW & SGH Stock Exchange School 2024Start your adventure with the world of the stock exchange. Take part in a meeting with Paweł Danielewicz – author of the book “Fibonacci Geometry. A new approach” and Dr. hab. Waldemar Rogowski, prof. SGH – the main analyst of the Credit Information Bureau. Receive 3-month access to 29 hours of training, live recordings and the Discord community.Apply for 1 of 1,000 places by May 6, 2024: https://app.santanderopenacademy.com/pl/program/szkola-gieldowa_2024 Learn Excel, Canva, PowerBI or PhotoshopDo you want to learn office or graphic design programs? Choose one of the training courses and get access to it forever.Apply for 1 of 5,000 places by April 30, 2024: https://app.santanderopenacademy.com/pl/program/learn-excel-canva-powerbi-or-photoshop Business for All 2024 – Harvard Business PublishingChoose from two courses: Business Fundamentals to learn the fundamentals of marketing, finance and negotiation, or Self-Management to improve your decision-making, time management and ability to influence. Increase your career prospects and get a certificate from Harvard Business School Publishing.Apply for 1 of 5,000 places by June 10, 2024:https://app.santanderopenacademy.com/pl/program/business-for-all-2024-harvard-business-publishing Learn ChatGPT – 2024Do you already know what ChatGPT is? Do you want to learn how to apply it at work and in your private life? You will learn, among others: how to create SEO content, presentations and how to improve your daily activities. Choose one of the training courses and get access to it forever.Apply for 1 of 5,000 places by June 11, 2024:https://app.santanderopenacademy.com/pl/program/learn-chatgpt-2024 If you have any questions, please contact lukasz.los@santander.pl


4EU+ Visiting Professorship

We invite you to participate in two initiatives of the 4EU+ Alliance, addressed to academic teachers: 4EU+ Visiting Professorships – scientists from the University of Warsaw can apply for the second edition of the 4EU+ Visiting Professorships mobility program. Thanks to the initiative, research and teaching staff will be able to spend several months at a partner university, developing their research and educational projects. The program will be implemented in the academic year 2024/2025. Applications can be submitted until May 20, 2024. More information on the 4EU+ website: https://4euplus.eu/4EU-788.html April 18 at From 4.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. there will be an online information meeting with the 4EU+ team, during which details about the 4EU+ Visiting Professorships program will be presented. To participate, please complete the registration form, which will be available until April 16 at 17.00: https://4euplus.eu/4EU-415.html?newsID=21651 A series of online workshopsDigital Innovation in Teaching & Learning – we invite you to workshops devoted to digital innovations in teaching and learning, addressed to research workers and PhD students:April 10, 2024 16:00-18:00 Regression analyzes and agent based modeling in humanities and social scienceApril 11, 2024 15:00-17:00 Developing Green MatterApril 12, 2024 10:00-12:00 Games in Education – practical aspectsApril 18, 2024 15:00-17:00 Exploration of 3D printing technology and focusing on its applications and implications in educational contextsApril 22, 2024 17:00-19:00 Teaching sensitive topics in sensitive times – SensiClass Platform Participation in the workshops is free, registration is required (places are limited, applications are accepted in the order of registration). The classes will be conducted by UW employees. Applications and details: https://4euplus.eu/4EU-415.html?newsID=21677


Do you have an idea for a startup and want to start your first European startup activity with EIT Jumpstarter!

Every year, the Faculty of Management, as a Partner of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, prepares teams of startups from various fields to commercialize their idea as part of the EIT Jumpstarter project. You can apply with an idea, you don’t have to have a startup yet.Every idea counts, so it may be worth applying – registration for the program lasts until April 26, 2024. APPLY (https://apply.eitjumpstarter.eu/) 8 thematic categories for ideas and innovations: Health/ Health💊 The world of innovations in the field of health care with EIT Health invites innovators with ideas on how to heal health! 🌍 Raw Materials⛏️ Are you passionate about materials science and innovation? EIT Jumpstarter, in collaboration with EIT RawMaterials, gives you the opportunity to explore new areas in materials technology. 💼Manufacturing/Industry 🏭 Ready to revolutionize your manufacturing industry? EIT Jumpstarter, in partnership with EIT Manufacturing, provides you with the tools and support you need to materialize your ideas. 🌍 Food/ Nutrition and food🍽️ Do you have an appetite for innovation? Join EIT Jumpstarter and collaborate with EIT Food to create sustainable solutions for the food industry. Together with EIT Food you can make a positive impact on global food security and sustainability. 🎯 InnoEnergy/Renewable energy⚡ Are you passionate about shaping the future of renewable energy? EIT Jumpstarter, supported by EIT InnoEnergy, among others, is a platform for your innovations in the energy sector. Create a more sustainable world for future generations! 🌟 Urban Mobility. Urban mobility 🚗 Gotowy na zmiany w mobilności miejskiej? Dołącz do EIT Jumpstarter i współpracuj z EIT Urban Mobility, aby opracować innowacyjne rozwiązania dla mądrzejszych, bardziej zrównoważonych miast. Aplikuj teraz i bądź katalizatorem pozytywnej transformacji w mobilności miejskiej! 🎈 New European Bauhaus/ Nowym Europejskim Bauhaus 🎨 Wkraczajcie do krainy innowacji i designu z Nowym Europejskim Bauhaus! Razem przemyślmy nasze przestrzenie życiowe, łącząc zrównoważoność, estetykę i inkluzję. Dołącz do ruchu, aby stworzyć jaśniejszą, piękniejszą przyszłość! 🌿🏗️ Rebuild Ukraine/ Odbudowa Ukrainy 🏗️ Przyczyniaj się do odbudowy Ukrainy, niezależnie od tego, gdzie jesteś! Dołącz do wysiłków mających na celu odbudowę społeczności, infrastruktury i przywrócenie nadziei na jaśniejszą przyszłość. Razem stwórzmy trwały wpływ dla wszystkich Ukraińców, zarówno w kraju, jak i za granicą. 🌱🇺🇦 🎈 Chcesz odegrać rolę w odbudowie Ukrainy przy świeżych pomysłach? Dołącz do EIT Jumpstarter i pracuj z ekspertami EIT nad tworzeniem rozwiązań, które mają znaczenie w okresie powojennym. Aplikuj teraz i bądź częścią uczynienia przyszłości Ukrainy jaśniejszą! 💡🌍 Każdy pomysł się liczy więc może warto aplikować – zapisy do programu trwają do 26.04.2024. APLIKUJ (https://apply.eitjumpstarter.eu/) Więcej informacji znajdziecie na stronie: https://eitjumpstarter.eu/ Więcej informacji o programie możecie uzyskać na Wydziale Zarządzania kontaktując się z Edytą Barmentloo ebarmentloo@wz.uw.edu.pl



WZ-ka z business – podcast of the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw – episode 3

Is marketing magic? What about MarTech? Will shopping malls cease to exist? Marketers are considering the Ph model. Kotler? How does theory relate to marketing practice? Sebastian Radzimiński seeks answers to these and other questions in the third episode of the “WZ-ka z biznesem” podcast. His guest is Edyta Barmentloo, M.A., MarTech researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw. LOOK: https://wz.uw.edu.pl/ WATCH ON YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK5wz5F0uU0 LISTEN ON SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/episode/631EDwGi0V2HuHVppBgv4M?si=kHIKyZZPQMSfWLiVuihncQ


Collection for the “Na Paluchu” shelter

We are first-year Management students. For the subject “Managerial Skills”, we are organizing a collection for the “Na Paluchu” shelter. The collection will last from April 5 to 17. The donation box will be located in the hall near entrance C.Please help us by bringing food with a high meat content and treats for cats and dogs, animal toys, blankets, towels and large pillowcases and sheets.We would like to ask for your support!



EconoMY! Challenge – registration only until April 12!

Take part in an online student knowledge test and get PLN 10,000 to make your dreams come true! We invite you to take part in a test organized by Puls Biznesu, in which you will be able to test your knowledge of economics, finance and investing. This is an initiative in which you can win PLN 10,000, PLN 8,000 and PLN 5,000 and other interesting prizes. The test will take place on April 17 at 3:00 p.m. (online format), and registrations are accepted until April 12. The test will consist of 100 closed questions prepared by the chief economist of Puls Biznesu, Ignacy Morawski, in cooperation with economists from Santander Bank Polska – co-organizer of the competition.Sign up for EconoMY! The challenge and the most important information can be found at https://360.pb.pl/economychallenge2024/ We would also like to remind you about the free subscription to Puls Biznesu, which is available to the entire academic community of the University of Warsaw (employees and students). You can start a free premium subscription (worth over PLN 2,000) at this link – https://360.pb.pl/uczelnie!


Over 30,000 places for free training

Trip to the ECB in Frankfurt and European Banking Certificate EFCB 3E UEK 2024. Expand your knowledge of banking! Go to the European Central Bank and meet representatives of European institutions or get funding for the EFCB 3E European Banking Certificate exam.Apply: https://app.santanderopenacademy.com/pl/program/ecb_uek_2024 Santander Scholarship for Erasmus 2024Apply: https://app.becas-santander.com/pl/program/stypendium-santander-dla-erasmusa-2024 Santander Less Foreign Languages Do you want to improve your English and get an IELTS certificate? Or maybe Spanish, German, French or Italian? Choose one of the languages, learn whenever and wherever you want. You will get online access for a period of 3 to 6 months.Apply for 1 of 25,000 places by May 13, 2024: https://www.santanderopenacademy.com/pl/sites/SantanderJezykiMniejObce.html Cybersecurity for everyoneApply: https://app.santanderopenacademy.com/pl/program/cyberbezpieczenstwo-dla-kazdego-2024 GPW & SGH Stock Exchange School 2024Apply: https://app.santanderopenacademy.com/pl/program/szkola-gieldowa_2024 You’re welcome!
