
IT Support Point is located on the 3rd floor of Building C between the computer rooms, across from the corridor connecting Building A and C.

Using computers

Students of the Faculty of Management can use the student computer laboratory. To use the computer, you must log in to the network, so you must have an account on the Faculty of Management network. People who do not have such an account cannot use the computers at Faculty of Management.

IT help for students

The person supervising the work of the student room in C301 is trained in providing IT assistance. If there are any problems with the student account, network resources or network access, the supervisor in room C301 will try to solve the problem or indicate further steps to solve it.

Contact details

IT Support Point
Room C301
street: Szturmowa 1/3
02-678 Warsaw
phone: (22) 55 34 058

Work hours
monday – friday: 9.00 – 17.00
saturday: 8.00 – 14.00
sunday: 8.00 – 12.00