• Polski
  • English


The aim of the program is to strengthen and expand knowledge in managing sales teams within the digital economy. The digital transformation has led to significant changes in the competencies required of managers responsible for sales processes in both commercial organizations and non-profit entities.

The curriculum covers key issues related to the challenges of the digital economy and globalization, along with long-standing concerns of sales organizations. A professional team of practitioners and academic staff from the University of Warsaw’s Faculty of Management, employing modern teaching methods such as case analysis, interpersonal training, preparation of mini-projects, and group discussions, ensures a high level of education and the acquisition of essential competencies for 21st-century sales managers.

Upon completion, participants receive a postgraduate diploma, ensuring current knowledge and practical skills that open broad opportunities and provide a competitive advantage in the job market.

Employment opportunities 

Our graduates gain comprehensive knowledge and practical skills relevant to effective sales management in the context of the challenges posed by the digital economy. They are proficient in applying modern techniques in team management and sales processes in practice.

Tuition Fees 

Tuition Fees for the academic year 2024/25:

  • Single payment for the entire program – 10,900 PLN
  • Payment in two installments: 5,600 PLN per semester x 2
  • Possible installment payment over eight installments (details available)

Information for individuals whose fees are covered by their employer:

  • Invoices will only be issued after payment.
  • As per the signed agreement, after receiving payment for the studies, the University will issue an invoice in the name of the Participant, indicating the Employer as the payer.
  • Account number for payments made by the employer is available in the tripartite agreement.
  • For individual payments: an individual account number is generated after the student’s enrollment in the University Study Service System (USOS).


Program - MOS


Recruitment via the IRK website – starts on June 5, 2024.

  • Duration of postgraduate studies

two semesters, academic year

  • Start date of studies

October 2024

  • Submission of documents:

Hardcopy documents will be accepted at the postgraduate studies dean’s office (room C108) or by registered mail to the address:

Faculty of Management University of Warsaw
Szturmowa 1/3
02-678 Warsaw
with the note “postgraduate studies”.