Take part in an online student knowledge test and get PLN 10,000 to make your dreams come true!
We invite you to take part in a test organized by Puls Biznesu, in which you will be able to test your knowledge of economics, finance and investing.
This is an initiative in which you can win PLN 10,000, PLN 8,000 and PLN 5,000 and other interesting prizes. The test will take place on April 17 at 3:00 p.m. (online format), and registrations are accepted until April 12. The test will consist of 100 closed questions prepared by the chief economist of Puls Biznesu, Ignacy Morawski, in cooperation with economists from Santander Bank Polska – co-organizer of the competition.
Sign up for EconoMY! The challenge and the most important information can be found at https://360.pb.pl/economychallenge2024/
We would also like to remind you about the free subscription to Puls Biznesu, which is available to the entire academic community of the University of Warsaw (employees and students). You can start a free premium subscription (worth over PLN 2,000) at this link – https://360.pb.pl/uczelnie!