• Polski
  • English


The proposed studies will allow participants to familiarize themselves with potential scenarios in climate and energy policy, as well as the economic, legal, regulatory, and market environment. They will provide competencies and skills for navigating efficiently in this new space aimed at achieving climate neutrality. The project’s goal is to raise awareness and enhance the competencies of employees within Local Government Units, municipal companies, educators, and representatives of local communities in the area of sustainable development, particularly:

  • Improving and protecting air quality
  • Monitoring and proactive adaptation to climate change
  • Rational management of resources.

The studies are primarily aimed at employees of local governments and communal entities engaged in projects and investments in environmental protection and sustainable development. The deeper goal within this target group is primarily to enhance managerial competencies in managing environmental protection projects, recognizing opportunities for their implementation, and mobilizing stakeholders around these goals.

Employment opportunities 

Upon completing the postgraduate studies, participants will possess essential knowledge regarding key megatrends shaping social and economic transformations in managing environmental protection, energy transformation, and climate challenges. They will be capable of managing the process of environmental protection and energy transformation at the strategic, operational, and tool levels. They will have knowledge about the effects and consequences of implementing specific solutions, tools, and technologies for environmental protection, energy transformation, and climate change.

Tuition Fees 

The cost of studies:

  • Candidate covers the cost from 9300 PLN to 10400 PLN.

Information for individuals whose fees are covered by their employer:

  • Invoices will only be issued after payment has been made.
  • According to the signed agreement, after receiving payment for the studies, the University will issue an invoice to the Participant, indicating the financing entity as the payer.
  • The account number for payments, for those paid by the employer, is available in the trilateral agreement.
  • For individual payments: an individual account number is generated after the student’s enrollment in the University’s USOS (University Study Service System).



  1. 12-13.X. 2024 r.
  2. 26-27 X. 2024 r.
  3. 23-24.XI. 2024 r. on-line
  4. 07- 08 XII. 2024 r.
  5. 21-22.XII. 2024 r. on-line
  6. 18-19.I. 2025 r.
  7. 1-2.I.2025 r.
  8. 15-16.II.2025 r.

Program for the academic year 2023/2024


Recruitment In accordance with the Regulations of Postgraduate Studies at the University of Warsaw (UW Monitor from 2021, item 238), the following rules apply:

  • An individual eligible to participate in the qualification process is someone who:
    – holds at least a full qualification at level 6 in the Polish Qualifications Framework (PRK) obtained in the higher education and scientific system;
    – registered in the IRK system;
    – submitted the application fee of 85 PLN within the schedule.
  • The candidate is required to submit a complete set of correctly completed documents to the following address:

Faculty of Management University of Warsaw
Ul. Szturmowa 1/3 02-678 Warsaw
with the note “postgraduate studies.

Documents can be submitted in person or sent by post, where the date of receipt at the Faculty of Management, UW, determines the application’s validity.

The complete set of documents includes:

  • an application for admission to studies – generated from the IRK system;
  • a copy of the candidate’s signed diploma confirming the completion of higher education studies (bachelor’s, engineering, master’s, or an equivalent degree obtained abroad), certified as compliant with the original by the dean’s office employee (at the faculty) or a notary, or the original certificate of completed studies containing information about the level.

In the case where the candidate holds a diploma of higher education obtained abroad:

  • certification of the diploma’s completion in the form of legalization or apostille;
  • a sworn translation of the diploma into Polish;
  • a certificate of recognition of the diploma of higher education issued abroad or a candidate’s statement about the obligation to provide such a certificate within 30 days of its receipt (in the case where the diploma of higher education is subject to compulsory nostrification – a certificate of nostrification of the diploma or a candidate’s statement about the obligation to provide a certificate of nostrification of the diploma within 30 days of its receipt).
  • a signed declaration of the form of payment for studies – generated from the IRK system;
  • a signed statement about the email address – generated from the IRK system.
  • two signed copies of the agreement on payment for postgraduate studies according to the template from the Rector of the University of Warsaw’s order no. 20 of February 23, 2022, completed with required data (name, surname, PESEL, contact details, candidate’s bank account number).

The agreement on payment for studies” or “The agreement on payment for studies financed by a third party,” as attachments to the Rector of the University of Warsaw’s order no. 20 of February 23, 2022 (https://monitor.uw.edu.pl/Lists/Uchway/Attachments/6120/M.2022.36.Zarz.20.pdf).

  • Recruitment is conducted based on the order of applications in the IRK system.
  • On the day of announcing the results, all properly registered candidates are informed about the recruitment outcome and further steps through the IRK system.
  • Unsuccessful candidates receive an electronic decision of non-admission to studies through the IRK system, along with an explanation. Qualified candidates in a given round are accepted for studies (they receive an electronic decision of admission to studies).

In the case of not meeting the limit of places in a given round, subsequent rounds will be launched according to the schedule per the Directive no. 11/2023 of the Head of the Didactic Unit of the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw dated May 09, 2023.

Documents of candidates qualified for studies will be accepted at the Secretariat of Postgraduate Studies – room C108. Contact to the Secretariat of Postgraduate Studies, Faculty of Management UW: psm@wz.uw.edu.pl.


dr hab. Adam Drobniak, prof. UW

dr hab. Adam Drobniak, prof. UW

Scientific specialization in the creation of strategic projects in cities and the implementation of new development concepts. The author of over 120 scientific papers and 80 works for practical applications, including strategies, programs, projects, and evaluative studies, such as: Economic Development Program for Katowice 2017-2027 (2017); Strategy for Building Mutual Partnerships in the Context of Development of Designated Post-Industrial Areas in Mysłowice, Jaworzno, Sosnowiec (2015); Socio-Economic Analysis of Katowice with the identification of areas for revitalization and strategic analysis (2015); Report on the State of the City of Katowice (2014); Revitalization of urban areas and development of degraded areas in the Opole Voivodeship (2014); Directions for enhancing the attractiveness of Katowice for innovative industries (2013); Objectives and directions for changes in the spatial structure of the City of Jaworzno (2013); Development strategy for the Wałbrzych Agglomeration (2013); Socio-economic development strategy for New Krakow (2012); Strategic determinations for systemic cooperation between the Silesian Voivodeship and the Self-Government Country of Żylin (2011).
dr Jarosław Górski

dr Jarosław Górski

Ph.D. in Economics and Master of Management, trainer at EY Academy of Business. An experienced practitioner with a strong academic background. Conducts research and analyses, collaborates on strategic solutions, advises, trains, and consults—always sitting on the same side of the table as partners. Assistant Professor at the Department of Management and Information Technology at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw. Board member of the European Institute of BEST PLACE Marketing Miejsc, sectoral advisor at the Association of Polish Cities, sectoral advisor to the CEO of the Polish Promotional Emblem Foundation, trainer at EY Academy of Business, lecturer in e-MBA studies at SGH-WUM in healthcare. Enthusiast of negotiations.
dr hab. Anna Pawłowska, prof. UW

dr hab. Anna Pawłowska, prof. UW

Graduate of the Faculty of Psychology and the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw. Collaborated with the international human resources consulting firm HayGroup. Content manager in projects funded by EU funds, including a multinational project with the Job Center Aarhus in Denmark. Lecturer in, among others, Executive MBA programs in the field of human resource strategy. Author of publications in Polish and international journals on entrepreneurial competencies, people management, and teamwork. Current research interests focus on the issues of flexible people management and the resulting consequences for employees' behavior in a volatile job market with short-term employment.

dr Waldemar Kozioł

He studied at the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw, specializing in economics and finance. In 1998, he graduated with honors, and his master's thesis focused on the current state and prospects of development in high-tech industries in Poland. Subsequently, Waldemar Kozioł pursued doctoral studies at the same faculty and, in 2002, obtained a Ph.D. in economics with a specialization in management sciences. His doctoral thesis was titled "Financial Systems and Economic Crises (on the example of Latin American and Southeast Asian countries in the years 1994-1999)." Dr. Kozioł became a lecturer at the University of Warsaw and is currently an assistant professor in the Department of International Economic Relations at the Faculty of Management UW. In 2004, as part of the MBA program, he worked as a visiting professor at Le Moyne College in Syracuse (USA). He has also worked as a consultant and lecturer at the Catholic Institute of Management, among other institutions. Additionally, he coordinates the ECTS and international exchange programs (including the Socrates program) at the Faculty of Management UW. He directs the 2-year master's program in English (International Business Program) at this faculty. From 2002 to 2004, he was an expert for the European Commission as part of the RENCOM project. He has authored approximately 30 publications, such as "Transformation of the financial system in Poland based on the banking system (1989-2005)," as well as reviews, translations, and research reports in the field of economics.
dr hab. Jolanta Kulczycka, prof. UW

dr hab. Jolanta Kulczycka, prof. UW

Vice-Dean for Cooperation and Development at the Faculty of Management at AGH University of Science and Technology, and the Head of the Strategic Research Laboratory at the Institute of Raw Materials and Energy Economics, Polish Academy of Sciences. Author of over 200 publications, including scientific articles, monographs, and chapters in monographs.  
prof. dr hab. inż. Jakub Kupecki

prof. dr hab. inż. Jakub Kupecki

Head of the Hydrogen Technologies Center (CTH2) and the High-Temperature Electrochemical Processes Department (HiTEP) at the Institute of Power Engineering - Research Institute. As a leader and executor, participated in over 40 projects in the field of hydrogen technologies funded by the European Commission, National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR), National Science Centre (NCN), Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW), U.S. Department of Energy (DoE), and U.S. Department of State (DoS), as well as directly by the industry. Along with the team, contributed to the creation of five demonstrational installations with fuel cells and electrolyzers. Author and co-author of numerous industry expert opinions, over 150 publications and conference presentations, 6 patents and patent applications, including commercialized inventions. Conducts lectures in national and international academic institutions. Recipient of Siemens, Nernst, and Hydrogen Europe Research awards for R&D activities. Fulbright and NAWA scholarship holder, as well as recipient of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Scholarship for Outstanding Young Scientists. Representative of Poland in the States Representatives Group, Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking in Brussels. On December 31, 2020, appointed by the Minister of Climate and Environment as the coordinator of the working group for the development of the national value chain of the hydrogen economy, working towards the implementation of the provisions of the Polish Hydrogen Strategy (PSW). Led an interdisciplinary team preparing an analytical document complementary to the PSW, titled "Analysis of the Potential of Hydrogen Technologies in Poland by 2030 with a Perspective to 2040." Holds degrees from Warsaw University of Technology, University of Iceland, and Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley.
dr hab. Adam Niewiadomski, prof. UW

dr hab. Adam Niewiadomski, prof. UW

Associate Professor at the Department of Agricultural Law and Food Protection Systems, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw; Head of the Department of Agricultural Law and Food Protection Systems, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw; Doctor of Legal Sciences; Doctor of Humanities in the field of linguistics; Political scientist; Legal advisor; From 2012 to 2019, assistant professor at the Department of Administrative-Legal Issues of Management, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw; From 2012 to 2015, postdoctoral fellow at the National Science Center at the Faculty of Law, University of Białystok; Author of 4 monographs and over 130 scientific articles; Employee of the Rector's Office of the University of Warsaw; From 2014 to 2020, secretary of the Commission for Organizational and Legislative Affairs of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland; From 2016 to 2019, permanent advisor to the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee of the Polish Parliament; From 2014 to 2018, member of the Expert Team of the National Science Center in the social sciences panel; Member of the Board of the Polish Association of Agrarian Lawyers; Since 2007, secretary of the University Electoral Commission at the University of Warsaw; Since 2008, secretary of the Senate Legal and Statutory Commission at the University of Warsaw; Member of the Scientific Council of the Legal Sciences Discipline; Completed studies and research internships, among others, at Humboldt University in Berlin, Institut für Landwirtschaftsrecht Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, and Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken; Member of the European Council for Rural Law based in Paris.
Filip Opoka

Filip Opoka

He specializes in providing regulatory advice to entities in the energy and gas sector, with a particular focus on entities in the wind energy sector. He also specializes in environmental law consulting, with a particular emphasis on issues related to electromobility. He provides advice in administrative proceedings regarding the granting of concessions for the trade in energy, gas, and other fuels, as well as in proceedings for obtaining connection conditions and when concluding connection agreements to the grid. His experience in the wind energy sector (including offshore) includes participation in numerous projects related to the acquisition of wind farms, including the analysis of contracts characteristic of this industry, such as GCA agreements (grid connection agreements), TSA agreements (turbine supply agreements), GCPA agreements (green certificate purchase agreements), and PPA agreements (power purchase agreements). He also advises on issues related to environmental protection, particularly in waste management and water law. He advised on legislative work on the Act on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment and was involved in a dispute with the voivode regarding the withdrawal of water permits.
dr hab. Marta Postuła

dr hab. Marta Postuła

Head of the Department of Finance and Accounting at the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, Director of the Entrepreneurship Center, member of the Senate Committee on Financial Affairs at the University of Warsaw for the term 2020-2024, collaborates with the Leon Koźmiński Academy, and is a member of the TIGER research team. She completed her master's studies with honors, specializing in "organization and management" with economics as the leading subject. Since 1999, she has been associated with the public administration sector. Her primary professional experiences include the functioning of public finance systems in Poland and worldwide, budgetary processes, and the efficiency of public spending. In 2007, she obtained her doctoral degree from the Warsaw School of Economics. Her doctoral dissertation, titled "Public Financial Management in Poland in the Conditions of Transformation and Economic Integration," was prepared under the supervision of Prof. Grzegorz W. Kołodko. Since 2013, she has held the academic title of Doctor Habilitated in Economic Sciences in the field of finance. She is the author and co-editor of publications in the field of public finance and other scientific works. She has participated in numerous national and international scientific conferences and seminars. She represented Poland in the group on the quality of public finances at the European Commission and is a member of the Senior Budget Officials working group at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
dr hab. Mariusz Ruszel, prof. UW

dr hab. Mariusz Ruszel, prof. UW

Political scientist, associate professor in the group of research and teaching staff at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Management, Ignacy Łukasiewicz Rzeszow University of Technology. President of the Ignacy Łukasiewicz Institute of Energy Policy. Editor-in-chief of the scientific journal "Energy Policy Studies." Initiator and chairman of the organizing committee of the periodic Scientific Conference "Energy Security – Pillars and Development Perspective." Recipient of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education scholarship for outstanding young scientists (2017). Member of the Independent Scientific Evaluation Group (ISEG) for the NATO "Science for Peace and Security" program (2022-2024). Reviewer for numerous international and national scientific journals. Specializes in energy security and state energy policy.  
Piotr Sprzączak

Piotr Sprzączak

Development Director at Veolia Poland. A graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, he completed Executive MBA studies at the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw and was also a participant in the National School of Public Administration. Since 2011, he has been associated with public administration and the energy sector. He began his career in the Department of Oil and Gas, where he dealt with issues related to the security of natural gas supplies, implementation of projects financing gas projects from European funds (POIiŚ, CEF), and negotiating EU legal acts on ensuring the security of natural gas supplies to the EU. He most recently served as the Director of the District Heating Department at the Ministry of Climate and Environment, where, in addition to regulating the district heating sector, he also dealt with issues related to energy efficiency. Currently responsible for promoting the ESCO model in Poland and working towards a better tomorrow in the field of energy efficiency at Veolia Poland.
dr hab. inż. Andrzej Szałek

dr hab. inż. Andrzej Szałek

Board Advisor, Toyota Motor Poland. A graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering, with a Ph.D. in engineering specializing in the construction and operation of machinery. In his scientific work, he utilized artificial intelligence for managing the operation of machinery. He has pursued his professional career in the automotive industry from the beginning at Toyota Motor Poland. He has been associated with the Toyota Group since 1999. His expertise lies in the construction and operation of hybrid vehicles. Currently, he is involved in introducing hydrogen-powered vehicles to the Polish market and the hydrogen-related infrastructure.
dr inż. Agnieszka Sznyk

dr inż. Agnieszka Sznyk

President of INNOWO, Institute of Innovation and Responsible Development. An expert in sustainable development and socio-economic development. She has been involved with NGOs for many years and has worked for WWF. The author of numerous reports and articles, including "Innovations 2015," "Development of methodology and identification of indicators for the circular economy for the Polish economy in a regional context," "Methodology for adapting circular business models to priority sectors for implementing the circular economy in Poland," "The impact of innovative multinational companies on the socio-economic development of Poland," "Methods for measuring social innovations." She is the initiator and coordinator of the Polish Circular Hotspot, a platform aimed at taking action and bringing together various stakeholders to promote circular changes in Poland. Within the Polish Circular Hotspot, she works on introducing innovative, comprehensive, practical, and scalable solutions in all sectors of the economy. She collaborates with companies in developing strategies for the transformation of business models toward the circular economy. She implements numerous projects in collaboration with local governments to implement circular strategies for cities. For example, together with the Metabolic Foundation, she is a leader in the Circular Cities project, which involves scanning three Polish cities for their circularity and opportunities for closing loops. She is a member of the Coordinating Group at the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform, an initiative of the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee.
She is an expert in the working group on the circular economy of the National Smart Specialization at the Ministry of Development. She has extensive experience in implementing international projects, including within the Horizon 2020 framework. She was a member of the international consortium of the R2PI project, "Transition from linear to circular: Policy and Innovation," a three-year project under the Horizon 2020 program. She is the initiator and coordinator of the international Circular Week project, an educational campaign aimed at raising public awareness of sustainable production and consumption.
Aneta Wilmańska

Aneta Wilmańska

Deputy Director of the Representation of ORLEN S.A. in Brussels. A graduate in International Economic and Political Relations from the Faculty of Economic and Sociological Sciences at the University of Lodz (2000), she completed postgraduate studies in European Studies at the University of Lodz (2001), postgraduate studies in management at the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw (2012), and an Executive MBA at the Leon Koźmiński Academy (2020). She was a scholarship holder of the Socrates-Erasmus program (2000) and the German Marshall Fund (2011). In 2014, she was awarded the Gold Cross of Merit for her contribution to strengthening European integration, and in 2012, she received the Honorary Badge of the Polish Bank Association. She has over 12 years of experience in the Polish government administration. From 2011 to 2013, she served as Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of the Environment, responsible for the development of the financing system for investments in the environmental and water management sectors. At the same time, she chaired the Supervisory Board of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (2012–2014). Earlier, from 2008, she was the Deputy President of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, responsible for research and analysis of the SME sector, as well as support for the development of business environment institutions, including seed capital funds, and technological and industrial parks. From 2001 to 2008, she worked at the Ministry of Economy on the country's development strategies and the coordination of reforms in Poland. She was a pioneer of cohesion policy in Poland, programming, managing, and implementing activities under several operational programs in Poland. After leaving the administration, from 2014 to 2016, she worked as a public policy advisor in several EU countries and worked for the European Investment Bank. From 2016 to 2022, she represented PGNiG S.A. in Brussels, promoting the interests of the Capital Group. After the merger with PKN Orlen S.A., she became the Deputy Director of the Representation of ORLEN S.A. in Brussels. She is involved in the International Oil & Gas Producers Association and engages in the development of Polish lobbying in Brussels.
dr hab. Marcin Wołek, prof. UW

dr hab. Marcin Wołek, prof. UW

A graduate of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Gdańsk, specializing in Transport and Logistics, where he currently works as an assistant professor in the Department of Transport Market. He has been a City Councilor since 1998. From 2005 to 2008, he served as the Chairman of the Transport Commission of the Union of Baltic Cities. Currently, he is the Vice-Chairman of the City Council of Gdynia and works in the Spatial Planning and Strategy Commission. In the Council, he is primarily involved in transportation issues (e.g., the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for Gdynia adopted in 2016) and the city's economic development. He is a member of the Revitalization Committee, and he considers the implementation of revitalization as one of the most significant achievements of the Gdynia local government in the previous and current term. He is an expert in the field of railway and urban transport, as well as the financing of transport investments from EU funds. In 2009, he was awarded the title "Man of the Open Railway Market." He is the author or co-author of over 100 articles, papers, analyses, and expert studies in this field. At the University of Gdańsk, he supervises European projects such as Trolley, Tide, Civitas Dynamo, Eliptic, and Trolley 2.0. He is one of the academic supervisors of the student Scientific Circle of the Transport Market and Marketing "TiM." He holds a habilitation in economic sciences and has been a professor at the University of Gdańsk since 2020. He is a co-author of the concept of the Pomorska Kolej Metropolitalna (Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway) from 2005-2006. Married with four sons, his passions include local government, transport, geography, and economic history. He is an active hiker, interested in combat sports and football.

dr inż. Stefan Wójtowicz

He is the author and co-author of over 200 publications, including books, monographs, scientific articles, and publicistic speeches. He has organized, chaired, and been a member of scientific committees for national and international conferences. Professionally, he has been associated with the Institute of Electrical Engineering in Warsaw. He has participated in and led numerous research and implementation projects in the field of electrical engineering, automation, and metrology. He has held managerial positions related to the management of research teams, led Scientific Departments at the Institute, served as Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs, and Deputy Director for Research and Technology Transfer at the Institute of Electrical Engineering. He was a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Electrical Engineering, Editor-in-Chief of the Scientific Quarterly "Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki," and a member of the editorial board of the monthly "Nowa Elektrotechnika." Additionally, he was a member of the Section for Education and Development of Scientific Personnel and the Section for the Basics of Metrology at the Committee of Metrology and Scientific Apparatus of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Currently, he holds the position of Scientific Director at the Research and Implementation Company Frako-Term and is involved in interdisciplinary activities at the Center for Research on Energy Transformation, Mobility, and Climate Change at the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw. He is engaged in research projects and the implementation of innovative products and technologies.
dr hab. Mariusz Trojanowski, prof. UW

dr hab. Mariusz Trojanowski, prof. UW

Ph. D., Associate Professor An academic, business communication practitioner, and business trainer employed at the Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw. He is also a participant in an educational program for business teachers (Colloquium on Participant-Centered Learning) at Harvard Business School in the USA. He has many years of experience in the commercialization of communication knowledge, preparing business people for negotiations, presentations, and public speaking. Author of the books "Presentations and Speeches in Business: Essence, Determinants, Research" published by PWN Scientific Publishing in 2019 and "Direct Marketing: Essence, Management, Instruments" published by the Polish Economic Publishing House in 2010.
doc. dr inż. Paweł Skowroński

doc. dr inż. Paweł Skowroński

He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Power Engineering and Aviation at the Warsaw University of Technology in 1984. He is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Thermal Technology at the Warsaw University of Technology. Since 2021, he has been a Member of the State Council for Environmental Protection. He is currently serving as the President of the Management Board at SPIE Elbud Gdańsk S.A. since 2013 and as the General Director of the Operational Division Central Europe at SPIE Group since 2018. In the past, he held positions such as Vice President of the Management Board for Operations at PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A. (2011-2012), Director of Strategy and Development at Vattenfall Poland (2007-2012), President of the Management Board at BOT Górnictwo i Energetyka S.A. (2006-2007), and President of the Management Board at Stołeczne Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej S.A. (2003-2006). He is a specialist in energy systems and management, energy economics, modeling of power plants, preparation, and implementation of energy investments, and installation of energy equipment. He has been associated with the energy industry for many years. Research Topics:
  • Electricity market. Forecasting energy demand, energy prices, and utilization of sources.
  • Generation, transmission, and use of district heating. Prospective technological solutions in district heating and broadly understood energy.
  • Construction and modernization of thermal systems – power plants, combined heat and power plants, district heating plants, and district heating networks. Technical concepts, economic and financial analyses, planning of energy investments.
  • Cooperation between conventional power plants and renewable sources of electricity.
  • Mathematical modeling of energy-technological systems.
  • Assembly of energy installations – power plants, transmission, and distribution networks.
  • Organization and management of enterprises in the electro-energy, district heating, and energy construction sectors.
He has received awards such as the Rector's Award for teaching activities (2012), the Golden Chalk Award for the best lecturer at the Faculty of MEiL (2011), and the Golden Chalk Award for the best lecturer at the Faculty of MEiL (2013).
dr Mariola Zalewska

dr Mariola Zalewska

PhD Mariola Zalewska is the director of the University Center for Research on the Natural Environment and Sustainable Development at the University of Warsaw. Her research focuses on sustainable development and quality of life, including measurement, monitoring, evaluation, indicator systems, competitiveness of entities and territorial units, clusters, forecasting and simulation, and experiments in management sciences. In the 2012-2016 and 2016-2020 terms, she served as a Senator at the University of Warsaw and chaired the Senate Committee on Social Affairs. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw and Hautes Études Commerciales Paris. She holds a Ph.D. in economic sciences with a specialization in management. She is involved in the activities of the 4EU+ Alliance on behalf of the University of Warsaw and the Working Group on the Social Responsibility of Universities at the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy. She serves as the Sustainable Development Coordinator at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw within the PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) framework. She actively participates in research, training, advisory projects, and collaborates with NGOs.