Registration for University Courses
Each student has a certain number of free virtual hours (tokens) that can be spent on selected classes (Ogun, Language Courses, Physical Education). Token registration for classes is done through UL (part of the USOS system) at: https://rejestracja.usos.uw.edu.pl.
When registering for ogun, PE and language classes, it is important to note the dates and locations of the classes – the University of Warsaw buildings are scattered around Warsaw, so it is worth considering travel time and checking whether the dates do not conflict with classes. In addition, classes may be held at irregular intervals, i.e. they may last 3 hours but take place every two weeks – all this information can be found when registering for a particular course.
The token registration service allows you to enroll in courses. These courses are generally available to all students at the University of Warsaw, regardless of their field of study.
On September 12, 2022, registration started for university-wide courses aimed at improving students’ digital skills, which are valuable in academic activities and highly appreciated in the job market: https://rejestracja.usos.uw.edu.pl/catalogue.php?rg=0000-2022-OG-UN&group=0000-KOC-ZIP-OG.
Students in the last four semesters of all study programs are eligible to participate in these classes.