Conference programme
Important dates and information
Conference dates 26th and 27th of October 2023.
Abstract submission deadline extended: Second round: July 5th 2023
After this date, please contact the conference organizers.
Information about abstract acceptance will be sent to the Authors within 14 days since the date of abstract submission.
Please note that in 2023 the number of participants is limited.
An abstract should be up to 2000 words and should include:
a) research problem and aim(s) of the paper,
b) research methods employed,
c) short literature review,
d) results and discussion,
e) keywords.
Final Paper Submission Deadline: July 31 2023.
The conference reviewing committee will preselect the paper for publication outlets (in contact with Authors)
Early Birds payment deadline: September 5th 2023.
Standard Payment date: from September 6th until October 1st 2023.
Publication outlets and opportunities
The full version of the paper should be submitted to: centrumwz@uw.edu.pl
We propose the following outlets (points refer to the Polish system):
- “Management Issues” (Problemy Zarządzania – 70 p. MEiN; Indexed in WoS ESCI; IF 0.2)
- “Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs” (140 p. MEiN; Indexed in WoS ESCI)
- „Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review”(EBER) (100 p. MEiN; indexed in the SCOPUS database; IF 3.8)
- „Managerial Economics” (40p. MEiN)
- Monograph published by the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw.
The submitted papers should not be more than 25 – 40 thousand signs (including spaces). All papers sent should meet the editorial requirements of „Management Issues”, which are available on the website.
Please note:
1. the language for submitted texts is English. Shall you wish to submit the paper in Polish, please contact the organizers.
2. the publication is possible after positive reviews.
Conference fee
In 2023 the following rates apply:
Two days, 26-27.10.23 (Early birds): 850 PLN (210 EUR)
Two days, 26-27.10.23 (Standard): 950 PLN (240 EUR)
Two days, 26-27.10.23 (for returning participants, early bird): 750 PLN (180 EUR)
The fee includes:
- participation in session,
- conference materials,
- coffee, lunches, and social event on 26.10,
- publication in selected outlets (after positive reviews).
The fee does not include accommodation and transportation in Warsaw.
Second day only (online participation, early birds): 100 EUR
Second day only (online participation, standard): 120 EUR
Social event on 26.10 – fee for an extra person (non-participant): 350 PLN (80 EUR)
Dinner on the day of University Technology Transfer Center (25.10) is additionally payable. The number of places for this dinner is limited – please contact us if you want to participate. Attention! This day of our event will be held in Polish.
Attention! Registration for the Anniversary conference of University Technology Transfer Center has been closed! PLEASE note that no more places are available for the dinner, and for 25.10 event!
IBAN: PL11 1160 2202 0000 0000 6084 8803
Institution/account owner: Wydział Zarządzania UW, Ul. Szturmowa 3, 02-678 Warszawa
Bank name: Bank Millennium
In the transfer title please write: “Entrepreneurship for XXI YOUR NAME”.
Please note that the conference fee does not include accommodation costs. Conference Team can offer help in finding the accommodation – please, do not hesitate to contact us!
Moreover, University Hotel “Sokrates” offers to the conference participants rooms at a special rate, but the number of available rooms is limited. If you wish to stay at this hotel, please contact us.
We will provide more information soon!
Shall you have any questions, we will be glad to answer them.