• Polski
  • English

Welcome to the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw 

Course offer, overviews & registration

Here you will find the crucial details of our offer in English available for all incoming short-term students such as the draft lists of all subjects which are going to be provided by the Faculty of Management in forthcoming year 2024/25 (Winter (=Fall) & Summer (=Spring)  semester.

The lists of the courses we conducted in Winter semester 2024/25:

The lists of the courses we conduct in Summer semester 2024/25:

Hereby, we present the course overviews for Winter and Summer semester 2024/25.

Any missing syllabuses will be announced as soon as we collect the materials from lecturers.

Thank you for your patience!

Syllabuses of the courses from the IBP program curriculum in Winter 2024/25 to be taught „face-to-face”

Syllabuses of the „online” courses from general programs available for short-term students in Winter 2024/25

Syllabuses of the courses from the IBP program curriculum in Summer 2024/25 to be taught „face-to-face”

Syllabuses of the „online” courses from general programs available for short-term students in Summer 2024/25

Registration for the courses via USOS system

Deadlines for registration for courses in Summer semester 2024/25

Please remember:

! Online registration for Summer courses 2024/25 at the Faculty of Managament  will be open in USOS:

→ for the „IBP” program courses: between  February 8th, 21:00 –  March 31st, 23:59, 2025

 → for the ONLINE courses providing on Fridays: February 18th, 9:00 – February 23rd, 23:59, 2025

 → for the „MFS” program courses: by contact via email, at: akrol@wz.uw.edu.pl

! The number of places on our courses is limited and oscillates between 10 – 30 spots depending on the particular course specific. Thus, please don’t wait too long with your registration when it is started as unfortunately, it can happen that the place limit will be run out!

Key points

Please note a couple of more crucial issues regarding our Faculty and UW courses offer and registration process:

  • Registration for the courses at the University of Warsaw (UW) including lectures providing by our Faculty has to be done on-line through the special university system called „USOS” at: http://usosweb.uw.edu.pl.
  • In order to register for any course each student needs to have an account in the USOSweb and log-in using individual password and username
  • Please note: Erasmus students are provided with their password and username by the central UW International Relations Office (IRO).

More information about how to register for the various courses availabale for you at the UW you’ll find under this link:

USOS Course Registration_Brief guide – Summer sem. 2024_25

Current schedule 

Dear Students,

Please find attached the PDF files with the detailed schedule of the IBP courses in Spring [=Summer] semester.

As clarified in our informative notes it present courses being a part of mentioned Master program International Business Program (IBP) we are going to provide on campus, in traditional face-to-face mode.

Current schedule

I.  Faculty of Management UW_schedule of face-to-face courses_IBP_Spring sem. 2024_25_part 1

II. Faculty of Management UW_schedule of face-to-face courses_IBP_Spring sem. 2024_25_part 2

[updates for 17th March]

Please note:

these files present only the courses  which are a part of curriculum of our MA program International Business Program (IBP);

please note that each file includes the schedule of different set of IBP courses. It is related to the fact that the presented courses concern two different specializations in the IBP program. For you – our short-term students, however, all of those courses are available for registration.

as you will see in the attached PDF files where we present the schedules of particular courses week by week (each file consists of 18 pages in total) some first classes at our Faculty start from Feb. 17th while some of the courses are going to start later in the semester.

On the first page you will find crucial details such as information on the classrooms or website.

it is possible that some changes can appear in arranged sessions but even if any do they will be rather only slight ones;

schedule of most of the presented courses is (or will be very soon) also available on each subject page on your USOSweb accounts in USOS system.

If not you are kindly advised to:

  • find the courses you are going to participate in the attached files and check the dates of their particular sessions
  • track the attached files carefully, week by week, not to miss any class you are registered for.

Please be sure that in case of any changes we will keep you updated.

Have a joyful and valuable time while studing at our Faculty!🙂

FoM IRO Team


Welcome to the Faculty of Management

Dear Students,

We are pleased to welcome you as the future or current exchange students at the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw (UW)!

Before we meet during our Faculty Welcome & Orientation Meeting before the Fall and Spring semesters start you will find below some useful materials to get a chance to prepare for your upcoming experience with stay and study in Poland and at the UW☺

Firstly, let us please introduce ourselves in a few words…

About us - short introduction

Faculty of Management was established in 1972 as part of the University of Warsaw. It is the oldest university faculty of management in Poland as well as in Central and Eastern Europe. Nowadays, it is one of the most respected management education and research centres in Poland. The Faculty offers various programs of study on four levels of education – bachelor, master, doctoral and postgraduate studies.   The Faculty of Management has aimed to produce expert managers for Polish business and local and central government and internationalize School operations through students and faculty exchange, long term agreements and alliances with very good international business schools, and accreditations. These aims were reflected in the setting up in 1990 of the International Centre for Management Studies and in 2000 the International Business Program.
The International Centre for Management Studies runs the Executive Master of Business Studies programme (Executive M.B.A), a prestigious degree course, considered to be one of the best in Poland. It is run jointly with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (U.S.A.), which ensures that students are in contact with the cutting edge of the discipline at an international level. Graduates receive degrees conferred by both the University of Warsaw and the University of Illinois.
The International Business Program is a 2 year M.A. study program with specialization in international management runs in English. The courses are provided by staff of the University of Warsaw Faculty of Management and staff from universities with which we have links (in the USA: University of North Florida, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, American University, Washington DC, Villanova University, Le Moyne College, as well as many other European and American universities).

About the UW

For more information on the UW please visit the website with brochures, flyers, presentations, and texts about the University of Warsaw

Also, we encourage you to visit the special UW service designed specifically for our international students titled „Welcome Point”

We will be delighted do have you at our Faculty and hope you will be successful and have a very enjoyable time in Warsaw☺

FoM IRO Team

Useful info on the UW & FoM

 Get to know us

In this article you wil find some general details about UW, Faculty of Management, our procedures and regulations and much more…
We hope attached brochures will be useful in arranging your study at our Faculty!

Faculty_of_Management_IRO_Contact details

-> How to reach our Faculty (Służew Campus)? – here you’ll find some directions

-> Where is the Central UW Campus? – please see the map

-> Central UW Campus – map

-> UW Residence Halls – map

-> UW Campuses & Faculties – map

-> Must-see at the UW – please visit us in here

  • Some formalities

-> Brief guide_E-Photos & payment for UW Student ID

Practical information - living in Warsaw

How to survive in Poland? – some practical directions

In this article you can find some practical information about Warsaw, UW, Faculty of Management and much more…
We hope attached below brochures will be useful in planning your trip to our capital, living in Poland and studing at our university!🙂

To find out more about how to survive in Poland and enjoy your time in here while leaving and studing for a couple of months please visit as follows:

More tips will follow soon!


How to apply for short-term studies at the FoM, UW?

Dear Candidates,

If you are interested in completing a part of your studies at the Faculty of Management (FoM), UW this article is for you!

You will find here the crucial information regarding our programs and application procedures.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need more details!

  1. Exchange Students under FoM bilateral agreements

2.  Exchange and Guest Students under general UW agreements & programs – more information